
Showing posts from May, 2021

Why Do We Settle For Less Then What We Deserve?

  More often than not, we find ourselves in life, settling & compromising. Even if what we have is pretty good and people around us who have less than what we do, keep on telling us how lucky we are, but only in our hearts do we know the Truth, Our Truth! Unhappiness never comes from failing to achieve our goals, but instead from not having what we DESERVE! If your heart knows that you deserve to earn a certain amount of money, or be popular, or have a successful career or be with the love of your life, anything less than that feels like a compromise!  So if we know what we want & deserve then why do we settle for less? Well it could be for several reasons but the biggest of them is FEAR. Fear of losing what we already have, Fear of failing to get what we want, Fear of not being good enough, Fear of getting out of our comfort zone, so on & so on... Self doubt & sometimes being overwhelmed by the circumstances forces us to cling to whatever we got (remember thos...